OFM Franciscans - India

News & Events


All these days we thought globalization makes us global people. This pandemic taught us, we become global people when we are able to live as one humanity or one community both at local and global level. COVID -19 has removed barriers of 'we and they’, ‘here and there’, and stirred up the value of belongingness amongst us. It has demonstrated that COVID - 19 sees our globe as one single interdependent community. We have realized COVID-19 is the problem of ‘our human community.’

Jesus said, “Father, as you and I are one. They may be also one" (Jn 17:22). Let us be one and fight against this virus. Collective action is the only way to fight against this virus. The WHO’s document “Mental health considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak” urges us to “be empathetic to those who got affected’, and to “protect yourself and be supportive to others”. The pandemic changes our outlook towards others in our local and global community. It forces us to be compassionate, and ‘protect people we know, but also people we do not know or even, possibly, care about’ including elders, economically weak, those marginalized in and around us, those migrants who can’t travel back, and all those who go hungry. As global citizens, this is the moment that all of us should do what we can to help each other, locally and globally.

I am grateful to everyone who is directly working to combat this virus and crisis situation in the world. It motivates me to ensure we as a society do what we can to help right now through generating funds and help those who are in and around our communities. I thank all the friars who are taking risk and reaching out to the poor and the needy in various ways. I am grateful to all of you for your cooperation in bringing out this ‘Mission Bulletin’ by sending the reports and beautiful pictures in time.

I express my sincere thanks to all the funding agencies, friars who are working abroad, and all our local and global benefactors for your financial and prayerful contribution to reach out to the needy. Let every one of us continue to contribute to fight against the crisis situation in whatever ways possible. “Protect yourself and be supportive to others.”

May God bless all our efforts.

 Br. Rajasekhar Gopu

Project Secretary








 Name of the Friars 




 Charles Mathew Kolanchery 




 Joseph Raj M. 



 03   Bl. Helene Enselmini, OSC 


 St. Charles Borromeo, OFS 

 Bl. Teresa Manganiello, OFS 

 Charles Bernard 






 Lawrence Simon 

 Bala Marneni 

 + Thomas Thannikary 

 + Bernard D’ Silva 










 Bl. Marguerite deLorraine, OSC 

 Singarayar A. 

 Salvador D’Souza 







 St. Didacus of Alcala, OFM 

 Bl. Raynier of Arezzo, OFM 

 Hemant Xess 





 08   Bl. John Duns Scouts OFM 


 Bl. Gabriel Ferreti, OFM 

 Saji P. Mathew 





 Bl. Louis Guanella, OFS 

 Augustine Pinto 

 + Wilbert Smit 







 Bl. Mary Crucifixa, OFS 

 Fulgence Ekka 

 Basil S. Lobo 






 12   Bl. Giovanni della Pace, OFS 
 13   St. Didace d’ Alcala, OFM 


 Franciscan Martyrs of Palestine 

 + Mark O’Rourke 

 Salvador Drego 







 Bl. Sebastian de Jesus OFM 

 Bl. Mary of the Passion FMM 

 + Anthony Almeida 







 St. Elizabeth of Hungary 

 Patroness of the OFS 

 Bl. Jeanne de Signa, OFS 




 Bl. Salome of Cracow, OFS 



 St. Agnes of Assisi, OSC 

 Bl. Maria Milagros, OSC 

 Thomas Joseph 

 +Kamal Ekka 








 Franciscan Martyrs of Spain 

 Irudayaraj Fernando 

 + Bonaventure Davis 

 + Bishop Ambrose Y 

 +Jesu Irudayam  











 Franciscan Martyrs of Armenia 

 +Joachim Tinneny 




 Bl. Marie de Jesus, Third Order Regular 

 + John C. O’Dowda 

 Maria Ratheesh Jenive  







 Bl. Timothy Trajonowski, Conv 

 Rajesh Praveen Kumar 





 All Deceased of the Seraphic Order St. Humilis of Bisgnano, OFM 

 Bl. Elizabeth of Reute, Third Order Regular 

 Carlos Dias 

 Tojy M. 








 St. Leonard of Port Maurice, OFM 

 Balthazar Pinto 






 St. Francis Anthony Fasani, Conv 

 Johnson M. V. 





 28   St. Jams of La Marca, OFM   Feast   1476 


 All Saints of the Seraphic Order Dependent Custody 

 Foundation,North East. 

 Amaladass Manickam 







 Bl. Antoine Bonfandini, OFM 

 Prasad Papabathuni 


